Napoleon in Russia RuslandVestibulum

Roel K Vos, Apeldoorn   May 2011

On Wednesday 24 July 1812 Napoleon and his Grande Armée crossed the river Njemen. Thus he set foot on Russian soul and started the Campaign in Russia.


The first heavy confrontation with the Russians took place before and in Smolens. Then followed the Battle of Borodino and the occupation of Moscow ending in the Fire of Moscow.
On 19 Octobre 1812 Napoleon left Moscow. He turned to the south to Taroutino and from there to Malojaroslavets and later more to thewest on his old trace to Paris.


This website gives you a report of my journey from Smolensk to Moscow, Taroutino, Borodino and Malojaroslavets following Napoleon.


My first source is Le Guide Napoléon (2005). All objects (most Russian) are mentioned here.

Finding was not so easy as location- and language problems were handicaps. Fortunately my travel companion (and friend!) can speak and write the Russian language!

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